Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Spotlight on me

This is an oral that I am preparing for school:


My full name is Kei Darron Raw. I am eleven years old and was born on the tenth of February 2001 at 9 o'clock at night. The hospital I was born in is called Sandton Clinic, and is in Johannesburg.

The first school I went to is called Pips Preschool which is in Ezulwini. I started in January 2003.
I am from Swaziland but my parents are from South Africa, however my Dad is now a Swazi. My grandparents on my moms side are from England.

My family:

My family name is Raw, my mom's maiden name was Pitman.

What my family does and enjoys:

My Dad runs an adventure company and loves to raft and mountain bike. My Mom runs the business with my dad and loves to eat chocolate and to mountain bike too. My sister loves music.
I love to do sports and to have cray fish for dinner.


I have two dogs, one female, one male, both of which are Dobermanns. The males's name is Speedy and the female's name is Tricksy. Speedy is my dog and tricksy is Paige's. I have always wanted small dogs, but I am grateful to have big dogs because they are more fun to play with.

Favourite food:

My favourite food is crayfish, I have always loved crayfish. It started when I was small and I went to my godfather and he gave me lots of crayfish and that’s when I started to crave them. So now if I get the chance to eat crayfish I will eat as much as possible!


I like to play sports, to lie in a bath forever and to have fun in class with my friends. I dislike waking up early in the morning to go to school and I dislike eating potato’s.

Favorite sport:

Soccer has been my favorite sport from when I was small. In grade zero we used to play soccer all day. I loved it so much I asked to have a soccer pitch for my birthday. My next favourite is cricket which I was introduced to in grade 1, and I have loved cricket since then. I also enjoy hockey, and i get encouraged by my uncle who used to be in the best team in Johannesburg.

Hope for the future:

I hope to have 500 billion dollars to buy Apple one day and I'd get involved with designing the technology just like Steve Jobs. I would also like to be a snow board instructor in Canada and to travel the world.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

First day of school

2013 and I am in Gr6 my teacher is Miss Taylor. She is a very nice teacher . There is one problem my best friend is not in my class.i am looking forward to Gr6, but the work load is a lot more.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Inter-schools Chess Competition

Played for our school in the Interschools Chess Competition. Florian and I were the youngest players. It was tough. I won 3 and lost 3 matches. Usutu came third overall in the competition. I learned some new moves.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Standard Bank 5km Race

Yesterday was the Standard Bank Swazi Slojoes Half Marathon. My dad ran the 21km, whilst Paige and I did the 5km. Paige also ran it last year. I was sick last year, so it was my first time.

Paige and I started fast. We were at the front for the first half. Then lots of people started taking short-cuts across the field and ended up in front us. It was a chaos and the marshals couldn't do anything.

Anyway, Paige and I just wanted to set times to beat in the future... and we did that. My time was 27:29 and Paige was 27:59.

Dad finished his race in 1:59:30. He was happy because it was under 2 hours, which was his aim. He was a lot more tired than us.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tri-nations Gala - Nelspruit

We went to Nelspruit to swim in a Tri-nations gala against swimming clubs from South Africa and Mozambique.  We swam in a 50m pool. It was tiring. It was our first chance to swim in such a long pool.

I swam breaststroke, backstroke and freestyle. there were 18 boys in our age group. I got two 6th places and a 7th.

We have hardly started training for this swimming season yet, so I hope to improve my times after we train properly.

Monday, July 5, 2010

FIFA World Cup 2010 Ghana vs Uruguay

We left my Gran and Granddad’s house in Bryanston and we into the city. First we watched the Brazil-Nethelands match in a pub, then we went through the city to the train station that was in the middle of the city.

We got there, but at first couldn’t find parking anywhere. Then after a while we found parking not far away from the station. We got on to the train and set off to the stadium.  On the trip I needed a pee but we were no where close to any toilets at all and the train was not going to stop at all.  I thought I wasn’t going to survive. For a moment I thought it was running down my leg but it wasn’t. I thought of all the people laughing but what if it wasn’t that would be a relief. When we got there my granddad said go pee behind that tree but I said noooo  no no.  I said there are people, I am not stupid you know.  Then I saw a beautiful sign, it was a toilet.   I rushed there but there was a queue of people also it got shorter and shorter until there was no line and then I went.  When I got out we went in to the stadium, we found the seats and sat down and waited for the game to start.

Paige and I about to catch the train.

There was lots of noise on the train... and I added more.

...and then I had to sit still, because I needed the loo - real bad.

Dad painted Ghana national colours in my face. The team is called the Black Stars.

These guys had great robes made from Ghana flags.

This is us at Soccer City. The stadium is cool. It is made to look like giant calabash pot.

Uruguay’s top strikers are DIEGO FORLAN and LUIS SUAREZ.  It was a great game... but very very sad. Everyone in the stadium was behind Ghana, but as you know, Saurez stopped the ball with his hands and prevented the Ghanians from winning. That is cheating. It is not right. I don't like him anymore. He is not a good example to kids. I would never do something like that, even if it meant loosing the World Cup.

This is the view from our seats. Watching live matches is so much better than TV.

We were really sad when Ghana lost. Everyone was sad.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


We walked up a hill to the north of the Mbuluzi River near Mbabane.
Hayden, paige and I were the ones who found the old pot.

This is the pot we found. See the design on it.

Walked to a cave this past weekend... and discovered real treasure in a cave. Hayden and I were inside these caves when suddenly we saw this pot half-buried in a back corner. Only kids could reach it as the roof is low. We took it out for the adults to see. Hayden's Dad, Paul, took it home. We heard later that it was likely to be almost 60 or 70 years old.